
Your Help

Riverview Lutheran Rest Home Inc. is living testimony to the generosity of many past and present
residents, their families, and members of our wider community.

Your kind donations of time and money are greatly appreciated and are an important part of enabling us to enhance the quality
of life for current and future residents, and to ensure we maintain and build the facilities required to meet the growing
demand for “Excellence in Christian” care into the future.

Your help in the following ways would be appreciated



Our volunteers play a special role in enhancing the daily lives of our residents at Riverview. Singing, playing the piano, reading, arts and crafts, going for a walk, gardening, helping out with special projects or just chatting to our residents. We welcome you to share your interests and special talents with our residents on a regular basis, or as your time permits.


While our resident fees and government funding cover the cost of the day to day care needs of our residents, your donations assist us in providing equipment, resources for activities, special items and upgraded facilities for current and future residents, and are very much appreciated.


Include Riverview Lutheran Rest Home, our residents, our work and this request for support in your prayers.

Earmarked Deposits

You are also able support our building programs by investing money with the Lutheran Laypeople’s League (LLL). Funds invested with LLL can be earmarked or matched to assist projects at Riverview Lutheran Rest Home Inc. The LLL ( https://www.lll.org.au/savings/matching_deposits) offer competitive ‘at call’ rates for investment along with internet access.


Creating a Will is one of the most important decisions we make. It gives us the opportunity to safeguard the future of those we care about – family, friends and those organisations whose causes are important to us.

Remembering Riverview Lutheran Rest Home in your Will is another positive way of giving thanks for the loving care our organisation provides to so many.

A bequest can be done at the time of making a will, or if you have already made a Will, a codicil (amendment) can be added, a simple and inexpensive procedure. Your solicitor can provide you with additional advice on making a bequest.

As a registered charitable organisation, donations of $2 and over are Tax Deductible.

You can, if you wish, specify that your donation or bequest be used to support a particular project, item of equipment or area of care, or you can allow Riverview to use your gift where the need is greatest.


How do I make a donation or volunteer my time?

Cheques can be made payable to Riverview Lutheran Rest Home Inc. and posted to us at 5 Luther Road, Loxton SA 5333, or alternatively call in and see us to personally deliver your cheque or cash donation.

Please contact us on 08 85847370 or email enquiries(at)riverviewresthome.com.au for our account details if you would prefer to donate via direct credit, or to volunteer your time.



Riverview Chapel and Wellbeing Centre

Planning for our new Chapel and Wellbeing Centre is currently underway. 

Click here to see a copy of the floor plan and artists impressions.

Donations to our Chapel and Wellbeing Centre Building fund would be much appreciated and are tax deductible.

Please contact us at finance(at)riverviewresthome.com.au if you would like to contribute.

Donations will be acknowledged as follows:

In Donation Recognition Book:

$50 - $249 

On Donor Recognition Wall in New Centre in the following bands:

$250 - $999

$1,000 - $4,999

$5,000 - $9,999

Over $ 10,000
